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Instructor-led course

Provided by: University Information Services

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Access 2007: Further Use


This course is intended for those already using Microsoft Access 2007 to store and retrieve data who wish to explore queries, forms and reporting. Those who have attended the Access Intro course will find this follows on seamlessly from where that course ended.


Prior knowledge of Windows is assumed, and basic knowledge of Access tables, forms, reports and queries (as covered on the Introduction) is required.

Topics covered
  • Introduction to relational database design
  • Working with multiple tables
  • Advanced queries (action, summary, crosstab)
  • Advanced reports (master-detail reports, changing the design of reports)
  • Advanced forms (designing a custom form, chart forms, switchboard)
  • Transferrring data between access and other applications

Presentations, demonstrations and practicals.

System requirements

Access 2007 on PWF Windows

  • Anyone wishing to copy the course exercise files should bring a USB memory stick or they can be downloaded from;
  • This course only covers the use of Access and does not cover relational database design - there is a separate course on this topic.
  • Various self-taught modules on Access are also available.

Two half day sessions


Events available

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