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Mon 18 Feb 2013
14:00 - 16:30

Venue: 8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 1

Provided by: Occupational Health and Safety Service


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Laser Safety for Class 3B and 4 Laser Users and Research Supervisors

Mon 18 Feb 2013


This course is an essential component of training for new laser users, which should be backed up by practical training in departments. It will provide you with an introduction to laser safety and the relevant regulations and standards that apply to laser use.

Target audience

University staff


Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainers
2 Mon 18 Feb 2013   14:00 - 16:30 14:00 - 16:30 8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 1 L. Yates,  D.R. Plumb
Topics covered
  • The biological effects of laser radiation on the eye and skin
  • Risk assessment (with examples)
  • A simple beam hazard assessment
  • How to apply practical control measures



The course may be suitable for users of other classes of lasers, depending on the risk, but please discuss this with your Laser Safety Officer first.


One half day session




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