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Self-taught course

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Visual Basic 6: 5 levels (Win) (CD-ROMs)


A set of 5 CD-ROMs by BVG on programming in Visual Basic version 6.

System requirements

Multimedia-equipped PC with a CD-ROM drive and a sound card, running Windows. It is not necessary to have VB installed in order to follow the course.

Volume 1

Opening the program, Exploring Visual Basic's environment, Examining toolboxes, Learning menu commands, Setting VB option, Changing form properties, Using the command button, Discussing the caption property, Changing font styles, Adding controls, Using check boxes and option buttons, Changing control properties, Setting property value, Working with code, Working with option buttons, Running the program, Saving work, Adding a sub-procedure, Using the scroll bar, Creating dynamic labels, Working with lists, Using list properties, Understanding default and cancel properties.

Volume 2

Opening the program, Creating menus, Positioning menu items, Creating submenus, Creating shortcut keystrokes, Working with properties, Running a program, Using pop-up menus, Making an executable file, Listing naming rules, Adding controls to a form, Defining numeric variables, Using arithmetic operators, Declaring variables, Declaring string variable, Combining string variables, Working with fixed length variables, Retrieving characters within a string, Using the Mid function, Controlling program flow, Accounting for a false condition, Combining blocks, Using the select case statement, Examining loops.

Volume 3

Opening the program, Adjusting properties, Using the shape tool, Adjusting object position, Understanding coordinates, Using line and box commands, Applying fill styles, Manipulating files and data, Declaring arrays, Numbering elements, Using the Input statement, Writing a file, Outputting information, Handling errors, Creating error traps, Displaying error description, Providing friendly error messages, Triggering errors, Accessing the debugging toolbar, Setting a breakpoint, Demonstrating the immediate window, Using the Step Into command, Monitoring variable value, Exploring various procedures, Discussing multiple field records, Demonstrating Step commands.

Volume 4

Exploring Windows API, Examining API elements, Starting Visual Basic, Selecting/using the API Viewer, Discussing mechanisms, Using API calls, Selecting multiple API declares, Using API constants, Opening/choosing the drive application, Exploring various functions, Creating menus with images, Modifying menus, Examining the MCI send string function, Exploring Send String parameters, Discussing the Open Command String, Working with control arrays, Examining the Play Command String, Closing the wave file, Using/playing AVIs, Discussing the MPEG video format, Creating simple compound objects, Embedding objects in Visual Basic, Embedding objects at design time, Using drag and drop, Linking with insert object, Embedding with the shortcut menu, Utilising the Data Form Wizard, Listing wizard steps, Exploring a new data form, Adding records to a database, Updating/deleting records, Running a program, Saving data forms/projects.

Volume 5 (Internet)

Starting Visual Basic 6, Building an ActiveX Control, Adding controls, Applying the click procedure, Executing the navigate to method, Testing controls, Loading add-ins, Using the package and deployment wizard, Naming scripts, Utilising Document Migration, Defining an Internet Explorer object, Using Create-Object, Modifying application objects, Examining procedure properties, Using IEAPP properties, Testing a program, Starting a DHTML project, Creating HTML pages, Writing HTML code, Adding hyperlinks, Navigating pages, Running a program, Explaining Internet Information Server, Defining Web Class, Discussing an ASP file, Examining DHTML applications, Starting an IIS application, Starting a project, Adding user interface, Creating action components, Selecting Web Class Start, Examining procedures.


Visual Basic for Applications is also covered in the Excel Macros workbooks. There is also an introductory CD for Visual Basic 5 (an older version).


Booking / availability

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