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Thu 8 Oct 2009
14:15 - 16:30

Venue: Cockcroft Lecture Theatre

Provided by: University Information Services


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Scientific Computing: Introduction

Thu 8 Oct 2009


This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

There is a very wide variety of tools available for scientists using computers. This variety can be daunting at first glance. This talk will unpick the maze of programming languages and other tools to provide some guidance on what might be appropriate to use for various purposes.


None. This course is suitable for novices.


Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainer
1 Thu 8 Oct 2009   14:15 - 16:30 14:15 - 16:30 Cockcroft Lecture Theatre R.J. Dowling
Topics covered
  • Concept of programming
  • Splitting tasks into components
  • Selecting tools for each component
  • Structuring programs
  • External libraries of functions
  • Choosing a programming language
  • Interpreted and compiled languages
  • General purpose and specialist languages


Course Notes

One half day session


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