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Instructor-led course

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RSI: Prevent Repetitive Strain Injury


The rise of Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULD - formerly known as RSI) results in varying degrees of pain and discomfort in the upper limbs, back and neck. Ergonomic workstation setup is often overlooked but is a critical part of healthy computing and is often one of the root causes of a WRULD. This course will introduce the user to the common workstation problems and show some basic alterations that can be made to create an ergonomic environment that is less stressful to the body.



Topics covered
  • General overview of disability
  • Typical workstation problems
  • Correct workstation set-up
  • Locating in-built ergonomic Operating System features
  • Breakdown of ergonomic hardware and software
  • Creating an ergonomic workstation environment
  • Rest break software
  • Assistance offered within the University



One half day session

Assistive Technology

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