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Self-taught course

Provided by: University Information Services


This course is self taught.

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Excel 2007: Level 3 (Win) (workbooks)


This course covers aspects of Microsoft Excel beyond building basic workbooks and deals with automation and productivity features. It includes areas such as conditional formatting, validation and consolidation methods, data analysis tools, such as data tables, summarising, goal seeking and PivotTables, and ways of annotating worksheets to help when sharing information with others. This course is intended for current Microsoft Excel users who wish to extend their knowledge and skills beyond building and formatting simple workbooks.

Watsonia workbook tutorials. Files for the exercises are provided on CDs.


Users should be familiar with Excel 2007 and how to build basic workbooks. It is assumed that the user will know how to create and save a workbook, create formulas and use functions, and perform simple formatting of the data.

Topics covered
  • Finding And Replacing
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Advanced Filtering
  • Validating Data
  • Formula Auditing
  • Goal Seeking
  • Data Tables
  • PivotTables
  • Summarising Data
  • Data Consolidation
  • Custom Views
  • Working with Comments
  • Formula Auditing
  • Use a range of find and replace techniques
  • Analyse your data and visually enhance your findings using conditional formatting techniques
  • Use advanced filters to view or extract matching records from a list of data
  • Use the formula auditing tools to find and fix formula errors
  • Use goal seeking to determine the values required to reach a desired result
  • Perform what-if analysis on a range of data using data tables
  • Summarise and present information in a pivottable report
  • Create summary worksheets based on consolidated data from other individual worksheets
  • Create and work with customised views
  • Use comments to provide additional context to your worksheet data
  • Use the formula auditing tools to find and fix formula errors

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