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Self-taught course

Provided by: University Information Services


This course is self taught (Materials may be loaned out).

Bookings cannot be made on this course (Course is not taking bookings).

Booking / availability

HTML 4: 2 levels (Win) (work books + CDs)

Self-taught course

System requirements

PC with an HTML or simple text editor and a web browser installed.


Hyper Text Markup Language, HTML Syntax, HTML Editors, Designing a Web Site, File Types and File Structure, Understanding Colours, Creating HTML Documents, Adding Meta Data, Customizing Page Properties, Working with HTML Documents, Working with Text, Formatting Text, Formatting Text Blocks, Working with Lists, Graphics for the Web, Images, Text and Images, Working with Links, Anchors, Images Maps, Working with Tables, Formatting Tables, Formatting Cells, Page Layout with Tables.


Using Frames, Creating Framed Pages, Formatting and Framed Pages, Displaying Linked Pages in Frames, Using Forms, Using Text Fields, Using Checkboxes, Using Radio Buttons, Using Menus, Using other Form Objects, Working with Multimedia Objects, Using Animated Images, Adding Movies, Adding Sound, Adding Shockwave and Flash Files, Java Applets, ActiveX Controls, Client-Side Scripts, Working with HTML Source Code, Testing Web Sites, Valid HTML, Introduction to Site Management, Working with Web Sites, Uploading Web Sites, Cascading Style Sheets, Dynamically Generated Web Pages, Internet Resources.

Web Publishing & Management

Booking / availability

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