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Theme: Web Browsing & Searching

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6 matching courses

Module 7 is made up of two sections. In the first section, the candidate will learn about some of the concepts and terms associated with the Internet, especially those associated with security. The candidate will learn how to perform some common Web search tasks using a Web browsing application and available search engine tools. The candidate will learn how to bookmark sites, and to print Web pages and search outputs. The candidate will also learn how to navigate within a Web site and complete Web-based forms. In the second section, the candidate will learn about some of the concepts associated with e-mail and gain an appreciation of email and security. The candidate will learn how to use e-mail software to send and receive messages and to work with message attachments.

Google Analytics Introduction new Self-taught Not bookable

How to get started and get useful information from Google Analytics.

'The Online Netskills Interactive Course' (TONIC) is a web-based learning course on using the Internet. TONIC is an easy-to-understand, structured course, offering step-by-step, practical guidance on main Internet topics. The course is intended for beginners to networking who have some familiarity with computers. The course provides an introduction to the Internet and computer networks in general.

The RDN (Resource Discovery Network) Virtual Training Suite is a JISC national initiative designed to offer free online training in Internet information skills to the higher and further education communities in the UK. It comprises a set of 1-hour tutorials delivered over the Web, each of which offers Internet skills training in a particular academic subject.

The tutorials, which include quizzes and interactive exercises, can be used by individuals as a "teach yourself" tool, or by lecturers, librarians or IT trainers wanting to teach Internet information skills to their students. The tutorials offer a subject-based approach to Internet skills training, enabling the user to tour key Internet resources and improve search skills, as well as need for critical evaluation of information on the Internet, and reflect on practical ways to use the Internet to support learning, teaching and research.

Web Skills for Researchers: Web of Knowledge Tue 14 Jul 2020   12:00 Finished

ISI Web of Knowledge contains over 13,000 journals with over 40 million cited references added annually. It enables the researcher to identify the prolific authors for a topic, identify the institutions that have published most in a specific field and gain insight into key publication trends.

Web Skills for Researchers: Why Not to Google Tue 14 Jul 2020   14:15 Finished

Google is unarguably the world's most used search engine - but how good is it for academic research? This session aims to demonstrate how to make best use of Google and Google scholar for research purposes, whilst outlining some of the pitfalls of over-relying on them!

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