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Instructor-led course

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Program Design: How Computers Handle Numbers


This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This could be called "Computer Arithmetic Uncovered". It will describe how computers store and process integers and floating point numbers, and also the exceptions that might arise and what they mean. The intent is to explain how modern computers handle numbers, and how to get reliable answers for a reasonable amount of effort.


Some experience in a programming language.

Topics covered
  • Integer and reals in Fortran, C++, Excel, Python, Perl etc.
  • How elementary mathematics translates to computer arithmetic
  • Hints on writing reliable, debuggable code
  • Exception handling in practice, and what to avoid
  • Important details of important languages and systems
  • What numerical analysis is about (very briefly!)

A presentation, followed by questions on any aspect of computer arithmetic.

  • This course does not cover programming as such; users with no experience are advised to attend the "Programming: Python for Absolute Beginners" and "Programming: Basics of Programming" courses first.
  • It does not require much mathematical knowledge, but does assume that the audience is familiar with integer and real arithmetic to at least GCSE level.
  • More information may be found in

One half day session

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