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Theme: Programming and Scripting

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27 matching courses

This introduction to programming Java applets includes tutorials on objects, classes, threads and events, and how to integrate Java applets into a Web site; some knowledge of programming is recommended. Unlike the Java Tutorial CD, it coves version JDK 1.1 (and is also a very different style).

This intermediate-level tutorial is a suitable follow-on from the Introduction to Programming Java Applets CD.

Java Tutorial (Win) (CD-ROM) Self-taught Not bookable

This tutorial explains Java programming using animated demos to illustrate concepts such as threads, controls and advanced API elements. Exercises are provided to test understanding of the material. Also included are a Java compiler, debugger and applet viewer, hints and tips on design, working lessons from the C and C++ tutorials, and a reference section of Java syntax and API structures. The book referred to is provided on the CD (Java eadme.txt, Javachaptersintroduction.txt etc).

Fortran: Converting Old To Modern Fortran Mon 22 Jun 2020   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course will cover the important programming tasks that used to be messy or complicated in Fortran 77, and can be done more cleanly and effectively in modern Fortran (i.e. Fortran 90/95/2003). It is intended for people who have been using Fortran for many years, but have not been following the recent standards. It is also intended for people who have an older, but still valid, Fortran program and want to clean it up and make it easier to understand and maintain. It will cover only aspects of old Fortran (i.e. Fortran 77) that can be improved by replacing them, and not the totally new aspects.

Fortran: Introduction to Modern Fortran Thu 26 Jan 2017   09:30 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This is a basic introduction to modern Fortran. At the end of the course, students should be able to write significant programs in Fortran, and to be able to start working on existing programs written in modern Fortran (i.e. in the Fortran 90/95 style). It will not cover obsolete features of Fortran, some of the more advanced aspects, or most of the extensions introduced by Fortran 2003.

The course has been rewritten in the light of experience from last year, and will include less on the concepts of programming and more on what practical Fortran programmers need to know (such as a session on Fortran I/O).

C: Introduction for Those New to Programming Sun 2 Aug 2020   09:30 Finished

A course in basic C programming intended for beginners to programming only. The aim of the course is to get everyone to the stage of being able to write small utility programs in C for carrying out simple calculations and data manipulation.

The Computing Services Department of the University of Liverpool now offer their popular Fortran 90 and High Performance Fortran Courses in a new interactive Web-based HTML format. Both courses have a similar structure. A topic can be selected from the contents page which will display an overview of the selected subject. The user can then either follow a hypertext link to a more detailed explanation or, choose to attempt a programming exercise instead. After the user has finished the exercise, a solution may be viewed. In many cases the user can retrieve a solution template to help get started. Use of these courses for commercial purposes may be available upon request. The traditional paper-based versions of these courses have been used by many UK academic and research institutions and have received good reports - any feedback on the interactive HTML-based versions is strongly welcomed. The paper-based version are still available.

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course is aimed at those new to programming, or who have never been formally taught the principles and basic concepts of programming. It provides an introduction to the basic concepts common to most high level languages (including Python, Java, Fortran, C, C++, Visual Basic). The aim of the course is to equip attendees with the background knowledge and confidence necessary to tackle many on-line and printed programming tutorials. It may also help attendees in deciding which programming language is suitable for their programming task.

Knowledge of the concepts presented in this course is a pre-requisite for many of the other courses in the Scientific Computing series of courses (although not for the "Python for Absolute Beginners" course).

Python: Introduction for Absolute Beginners Sat 4 Jul 2020   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course is aimed at those new to programming and provides an introduction to programming using Python, focussing on scientific programming. This course is probably unsuitable for those with significant programming experience. By the end of this course, attendees should be able to write simple Python programs and to understand more complex Python programs written by others.

As this course is part of the Scientific Computing series, the examples chosen are of most relevance to scientific programming.

Python: Introduction for Programmers Mon 13 Jul 2020   10:00 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This full-day course introduces the Python programming language to programmers who are already familiar with another high level programing language such as C/C++, Fortran, Java, Perl or Visual Basic. The aim of this course is to give such programmers sufficient familiarity with Python that they can attend any of the more advanced Python courses organised by the Computing service and easily follow any of the widely available Python tutorials on the more complex aspects of the language.

This course covers all the material contained in the "Programming: Python for Absolute Beginners" course, but in a more abbreviated fashion suitable for those who already have significant programming experience. This course does NOT cover the more complex aspects of the language (for such topics see the other Computing Service Python courses), nor is there much explicit discussion of the object oriented features of Python.

Python: Further Topics Tue 21 Jul 2020   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course will introduce more advanced aspects of the Python language than the "Python for Absolute Beginners" course or "Python for Programmers" courses. The course will cover topics such as file I/O in more detail than either of those two courses. Whilst the course will not cover the use of Python to produce graphical output, some mention will be made of how Python can be used to interface with tools such as gnuplot to produce graphical output of scientific data.

This course does not explicitly cover the object oriented aspects of the Python language.

Python: Operating System Access Mon 27 Jul 2020   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course will introduce methods in Python for accessing the operating system environment (e.g. standard input, standard output, environment variables, etc). The course will cover topics such as command-line parsing in more detail than the "Python Introduction for Absolute Beginners" or "Python Introduction for Programmers".

Python: Regular Expressions Sun 2 Aug 2020   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course explains how to construct and use regular expressions in Python (using the re module). It does not discuss how to construct complex regular expressions, nor does it cover regular expressions themselves in much detail, rather it focuses on how to use regular expressions in Python.

For a detailed discussion of regular expressions see the "Pattern Matching Using Regular Expressions" course.

Python: Checkpointing Fri 17 Mar 2017   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course introduces the concept of checkpointing - the saving of a program's state while the program is running, such that the program can be restarted from that saved state - and describes how to implement application-level checkpointing for certain types of scientific programming tasks in Python. Attendees will benefit most from this course if they have a clear idea of the types of task which they wish to checkpoint prior to attending.

Python: Interoperation with Fortran Mon 13 Mar 2017   14:15 Finished
needs to be edited ===

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course introduces the f2py application and the Numerical Python ("numpy") module in Python which allow Python programs to eschange data with subroutines written in Fortran.

Object Oriented Programming: Introduction using Python Thu 23 Feb 2017   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course provides an introduction to object oriented programming (OOP), aimed at those who have no prior experience of object oriented programming. The concepts of object oriented programming are demonstrated in Python, and Python's implementation of these concepts is discussed. By the end of the course, attendees should have a basic familiarity with these concepts and be able to assess wether the object-oriented paradigm is appropriate for their programming tasks.

As this course is part of the Scientific Computing series, most of the examples in the presentation are of greatest relevance to scientific programming.

Please note that there are no practical exercises during this course.

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course does NOT discuss sophisticated programming techniques designed to improve the speed, efficiency or memory use of a program, nor does it deal with the algorithmic aspects of programming. It is NOT suitable for those people who already know how to program and are seeking to learn more sophisticated programming techniques.

This course provides an introduction to organising your programming task(s) and using your knowledge of those tasks to produce an appropriate structure for your computer program. The aim of the course is to equip attendees with the concepts, mindset and outlook appropriate to designing programs whose structure reflects that of the task(s) the program is supposed to carry out, regardless of the programming language in which the final program is written.

Exercises will be done on paper, without the use of a computer and without reference to the syntax or keywords of specific programming languages.

As this course is part of the Scientific Computing series of courses, the examples, exercises and techniques used in this course will be more appropriate for scientific programming than for other programming tasks.

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course is intended for serious programmers who need to develop large or complex codes, or to write applications that will be used and worked on by other people or over a long time (years). It will describe some of the design and coding techniques that can make debugging easier (sometimes even semi-automatic), and reduce the overall development and maintenance effort by spending a bit more time during design and coding.

It is applicable to any conventional language, from Python to Fortran to Java to C++ and even assembler, and will describe the techniques in generic terms. It should be regarded as part of the practical end of software engineering - everything covered will be something that the speaker has found to be useful in practice.

Parallel Programming: Options and Design Sat 27 Jun 2020   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This is a detailed overview of using parallelism for achieving more computation in the same amount of elapsed time, covering both "shared memory" and "distributed memory" designs. It will concentrate on principles rather than details, to help attendees make the right decision and proceed in the right direction. It is aimed at users with significant programming experience who need more computation power than can be delivered by a single thread of execution on a single CPU core, including those who already program in parallel. The course is also designed for system administrators who need to support parallel codes, by describing the range of practical options, and their strengths, weaknesses, configuration issues and other important issues.

Parallel Programming: Introduction to MPI Mon 29 May 2017   09:30 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This is a simple introduction to using MPI for writing parallel programs to run on clusters and multi-CPU systems, for the purposes of "high-performance computing". It will cover the principles of MPI, and teach the use of the basic facilities of MPI (i.e. the ones that are used in most HPC applications), so that attendees will be able to write serious programs using it. It will describe other features that may be useful, but not teach their use. Any requests for particular coverage will be welcomed, but cannot be promised.

Pattern Matching Using Regular Expressions Thu 9 Mar 2017   14:15 Finished

This course describes how patterns in text strings can be matched using regular expressions. A number of programming and scripting languages (such as Python, Perl, and Java) and other applications (such as Apache, PHP, Exim, and some text editors) support the use of regular expression patterns. Although there are some differences between the different implementations, there is also a lot in common.

The course has been modified and extended from the one previously given by Philip Hazel, the author of the PCRE ("Perl Compatible Regular Expressions") library, one of the standard and widely used regular expression libraries. The extensions are: Python and Java to the same level as Perl and PCRE; more warnings about problem areas, background usage and programming hints; and a short section on true (computer science) regular expressions and their uses when transferring data between programs.

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This is an introduction to when and how to combine separate programs together to form an application, and when and how to split a single program apart. It will concentrate on principles rather than details, to help attendees make the right decision and proceed in the right direction. It is aimed at users with some programming experience who need to start or join a significant programming project.

Unix: Simple Shell Scripting for Scientists Mon 15 Jun 2020   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

No previous experience of shell scripting is required for this course; however some knowledge of the interactive use of the bash shell is a prerequisite (see Simple Shell Scripting for Scientists: Prerequisites for details).

This course introduces shell scripting in bash for scientific computing tasks. Day one introduces very basic shell scripts in bash which process the command line in a simple fashion. Day two covers how to write more advanced shell scripts in bash. Day three covers how to make one's shell scripts more robust.

At the end of each day one or more exercises are set. It is VERY IMPORTANT that attendees attempt these exercises before the next day of the course. Attendees should make sure that they have allowed themselves sufficient study time for these exercises between each day of the course.

Unix: Shell Scripting Workshop Tue 14 Mar 2017   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

Please note that this course is NOT suitable for beginner or novice shell scripters. It is also NOT suitable for those who do not have significant practical experience of writing (or trying to write) their own shell scripts.

The purpose of this workshop is to give attendees the opportunity to ask questions about any problems they have encountered in trying to write their own shell scripts in bash, and to obtain advice on how to tackle more complex shell scripting tasks. It is unlikely to be of use to attendees who do not have some experience of writing shell scripts for their own purposes.

It is essential that those attending the workshop have thought of some questions to ask the presenters, or of some scenarios/problems they wish to explore with the presenters, prior to attending.

The intended audience of this workshop is those who have previously attended the Unix Shell Scripting course.

An introduction to computer programming using the Visual Basic language.

Visual Basic 6: 5 levels (Win) (CD-ROMs) Self-taught Not bookable

A set of 5 CD-ROMs by BVG on programming in Visual Basic version 6.

MySQL: Implementing a Relational Database Design Mon 3 Aug 2020   14:15 Finished

This beginners course equips you with the skills to implement a relational database design entity relationship diagram (ERD) into a MySQL database.

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