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Tue 11 May 2010
14:15 - 16:00

Venue: Titan Teaching Room 1, New Museums Site

Provided by: University Information Services


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Google Analytics: An Introduction

Tue 11 May 2010


Initially there will be a talk and demonstration then there will be an opportunity to try out any techniques you have learned about. To this end, if you are interested in looking at analytics for your own site and you haven't yet obtained a code and installed it on your pages, you will need to do that before the course. If you are interested in interpreting data that is already being collected you won't have to worry about that. Bear in mind that there is a lag in data collection of 24 hours.


Ownership of web pages that need analytics


Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainer
1 Tue 11 May 2010   14:15 - 16:00 14:15 - 16:00 Titan Teaching Room 1, New Museums Site H.V. Sargan
Topics covered
  • Setting up Google Analytics
  • How Google Analytics works
  • Understanding what the analytics are telling you and what they aren't

Presentation, demonstration and practicals,

System requirements

Current verison of Google Analytics using a web browser on PWF Windows


One half day session

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